It's Earth Time

Winter weather may be a distant memory, but don't take the sunshine for granted. April marks the celebration of Earth Day, and though it may be relegated to a singular day, let's challenge ourselves to make every day Earth Time. Since we live and survive together, and our inherent well-being is reliant on our interdependence, how about we make a collective effort to demonstrate our appreciation for the natural world that surrounds us.
With more than one billion people celebrating Earth Day, this April 22, let’s join in by asking ourselves, what we will do to protect the earth’s diversity so that we can help maintain its timeless beauty!
My Earth Appreciation Tips:
Look up to the sky and imagine seeing the world through the eyes of the birds, bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds: They are critical for pollination, pest control and conservation.
Step 2 🐜🐞🌺
Look down at the ground and pay attention to the miraculous behavior of the insects, slugs, beetles, animals and plants: They serve, recycle and protect our precious ecosystem.
Step 3 🌷🌳🌿
Look around and notice the surrounding landscape in all of its magnificence. It connects us to mother nature and is fundamental to our health and wellness.
Step 4 🥾⛰️🌲
Take a leisurely walk on a soft path, up a hill, around a lake or in a forest and bathe in its natural beauty . It can renew our energy, change our mood and ease our stress and worry.
Step 5 🌎⭐🙏
Pause. Take a few sips of fresh air and send your gratitude to planet earth.
May we continue to be the stewards of the earth that we were always meant to be.
By Theo Koffler, speaker, author and founder of Mindfulness Without Borders – a charitable organization that facilitates programs and workshops to strengthen social and emotional intelligence and secular mindfulness in youth and the adults that surround them.