• The burden of mental ill-health is growing. We need meaningful and sustainable change now.
• To address this complex challenge, the Global MINDS Collective champions "Mindful Social Innovation": the essential and authentic quest of self and system transformation to catalyze mental health & wellbeing for all.
• Through Mindful Social Innovation (MSI) Global MINDS Collective facilitates transformative programs and trainings for individuals, teams, and communities to awaken the mindful capacities of self and others, and simultaenously engage in enterpreneurial and changemaking processes.

The Pillars of MSI
MSI is grounded in four interwoven pillars:
Whether we're working in Canada, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or in El Salvador, we honour the local knowledges, expertise, and experiences. We know generations of people already have expansive capacities and teachings of mindfulness and innovation. So we always work with our partners to adapt these pillars to the local context across elements such as language, activities, and processes.
Capacity Strengthening
To build strong systems and lasting change, we focus on educating, connecting, and mobilizing mindful social innovators.
Our capacity strengthening model guides individuals, teams, and communities to positioning themselves as leaders across the model, wherever they may choose to be – as participants, certified facilitators, or expert instructors.
Review our Programs & Trainings, and learn how you can start making a difference today with and for yourself, your team, your community, and beyond!